In keeping with Governor Abbott’s guidance on safely and strategically restarting outdoor sports activities while minimizing the spread of COVID-19, FC Dallas-ETX has worked with local authorities and our COVID-19 task force to prepare to welcome back our athletes to organized small group activity. While we have greatly missed being able to be around your children over the past couple of months, we have been primarily focused on the health and safety of our athletes, coaches, and their families, and have always maintained that we would return to training only when such a return was appropriate. With the gradual and phased reopening of the State of Texas, we believe that our program can take its first steps back to fulfilling our mission to train young athletes through the wonderful game of soccer.
We fully realize that these have been difficult and worrying times and that some of our athletes or their families may not be ready to take this step so let us stress that participation in FCD-ETX’s return to organized activity is not required and our athletes are welcome to continue their individual training programs as they have since the moratorium on training became effective.
For those that do wish to participate, you will be required to adhere to a comprehensive set of protocols to ensure the continued safety and good health of all our athletes. These protocols are based on local and State orders, the Governor’s Open Texas Report, and additional protocols set out by FCD-ETX after extensive consultation. They are provided for you in this packet of materials and there is also a video available here which previews many of these protocols and shows what these activities will look like. We ask that you take the time to review these materials and discuss them with your children before you decide whether to participate.
If after reviewing and discussing the protocols with your children you wish to participate, please complete the Acknowledgement and Assumption of Risk and forward a signed copy to your coach and team manager.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. We hope to see you all soon.